Formula and data input

Nov 18, 2013

I'd like to get my clients to input some information about there business and then show them the answer - sure this is simple, can you show me a tutorial or offer advise

As a silly example

Business owner - You work   (INPUT to box) 60 hours

Your pay per month (input to box) 1500

Your hourly rate is £5.81

Just wondering how I can have math formulas - am looking in convert to freedom - but if tutorial or advise available will save me hours of playing!!

Thank you In-advance


11 Replies
Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Caroline,

Here are a few links that should get you started.This thread includes some discussion, and a demo, Screenr, and sample file from Jeanette Brooks

Variable tutorial with calculations

Here's a different JB screenr on calculations

And here's another thread with a sample story by Phil Mayor

Once you've watched these you can probably get started on your own story. Jump back here if you need help on that!

Caroline Turner

If I'm honest - I need the training course but I have disabled kids and I just can't get to St Albans. I could cry at the moment I am so frustrated - I know this should be easy but my triggers are doing nothing!!

I've watched the training video so many times! Here's where I'm stuck

top box - number of clients -

3 % bullets(5-10-15%)

total increase in clients shown in box (or should I say not showing) with a calculate button

Is there another film I can watch that will show the sum that needs to be put in place and how to add the triggers for idiots with no training

Kind regards

and thank you in advance for your help and time


Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Caroline,

Based on what you've said, I created a file that may at least get close to what you're looking for. it's really barebones...not even a little bit fancy ;(

You'll see the instructions tell Learners to type the number of clients in the box (this is a data entry box) and then to click the percent button to determine the increase in clients. That's not really clearly explained...but I wasn't sure what you were getting at and just wanted you to know what to do!


There are 2  number variables:



The number of clients variable was created by Insert >Data Entry >Numeric Entry (and I renamed it on the timeline and in the Manage Project Variables box)

The other variable I created from the Manage Project variables box.


By default, the "set number clients= typed value" is inserted in the triggers panel.

I inserted another trigger so the increase variable = the numberclients variable:

Action; Adjust variable

Variable: increase

Operator = assignment

Value: Variable numberclients

When: control loses focus

Object: number clients numeric entry

I added a trigger for each of the option buttons on the slide to multiply by the associated percent when the user clicks that button.

For example, the trigger for the 5% button:

Action: Adjust variable

Variable: Increase

Operator: *Multiply

When: User clicks

Object: Button 5% (I renamed the buttons)

And there's a text box with the reference to the increase variable

Not sure how often I'll be checking in this visiting for Thanksgiving the entire week! But please shout out with any questions and staff and community will jump in. Hope this can at least get things started!

Caroline Turner

Thank you so much - I will have a go at it later. I figured on Sunday I'd walk the dog clear my head and start again - so completed the whole course (phew job done) but with no triggers, once I've mastered one the rest would become easier.

Once again, thank you for the rescue

Kind regards


PS if I have any more issues I may ask again for your wonderful support - Love this site and the support THANK YOU

Maria Higgins

So what do we need to find here? Have you used Excel or any other utility for such functions? Or you want to make it here like the one from your personal calculations. This is a rather important question as you can just write anything manually or add data into the program and, furthermore, just complete the formula finally.

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