Free text entry box that allows users to print what they type??

Dec 03, 2013

Hi everyone!

I am fairly new to Articulate & need to create a series of interactions that allow a user to imput text into a field and then preferably have an option to print the page?

My question is, what is the text field called & where do I find the option??

And what about the print option? Am I able to customise the print out a little bit? [eg. I would like to print everything on the page - the question and also the learners answers and maybe a sample answer which would be inside a popup on the page].

Is this complicated to do for a newbie like me?? I'm actually feeling a bit overwhelmed just trying to get my head around popups...

Thanks heaps in advance!

9 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jackie and welcome to Heroes!

Having users input text can be done in a few different ways, there are the built in question types such as short answer or essay or you could also add a text entry field, which also would allow you to reference the variable later in the course. 

The printing it where it may get more complicated...if you're using a Quiz question, you can add a results slide with the print option enabled and that will present the user with a new browser screen that they could print or save as a PDF with the answers. If you have someone who is comfortable with Javascript, you could also write code to print the screen. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jessica,

It'll depend on how often you want them to print...if you want them to print each one individually as it's own thing, go ahead and use the results slide right after each check point - or if you want them to print them all together, than a results slide at the end makes more sense. 

I'm not sure that Jackie is still subscribed to this thread, but there are a number of other community users who may be able to chime in here as well! 

Ishita Dutta

Hi Ashley,

I know this a pretty old post. But my search landed me here. So I am creating a slide which has a question and I have provided a "Text Entry" box for the learners to provide their answers. Note: It does not have a right or wrong answer. Below are my two queries.

  1. How do i make sure that they don't type ABC/or random alphabets to move next?
  2. Is there a possibility to print what they have written? Given that this is not part of a question/assessment.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ishita, 

Glad you found us here. 😀

1. This one would involve a bit of custom work using Javascript to check that they wrote something of substance - and likely you'd need to identify some probable answers. It's not something I have experience with or can offer help around, but the community members in ELH are a great resource for Javascript! 

2. If you include it as a part of a quiz question such as a short answer/essay or fill in the blank, you can disable the scoring/grade element and use the Print results button from a standard results slide. That'll provide a copy of the content where the individual can print out how they answered. The other option again would be to look at Javascript options for printing the page or screen. 

Hope that helps! 

Seitwerk E-Learning

is it possible to print, the text entry and the Specific task as headline? 
We have around 20 Text entry questions in our course, and the students should be able to print out all Questions with theier answers and Feedback in the end of the course, by clicking at the print button of the result slide. Is this possible? 

Where can we find the Text entry responses of the Students in Storyline Output - to evaluate in LMS? 


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Lisa, 

If you used the Print results button, and were tracking those questions you should seem them on the report.html file and then each learner can choose to print our the page. 

As for the responses - I'd ask your LMS admin to help you track down where answers are stored and how to appropriately pull reports! 

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