"Further"-Button should appear as soon as every marker or slider information has been read or visited

Nov 10, 2023

Hi there! I have two slides, one with a picture and some markers and one with a slider. I want the user to read every information (every marker and every slide) before skipping to the next page.  I know the way to set such triggers with object triggers like checkboxes ("further-button" disappears when timeline starts and further-button appears as soon as all objects has been "visited"). But I didn´t find a way to  set such a trigger with markers or sliders (slides attached) ?





1 Reply
Michael Hinze

For the first slide, you could use True/False variables for each Marker. The variables start out as False and are changed to true when the mouse is hovered over a marker. A second variable toggles every time one of the Marker variables has changed. Once all 6 are True, then the Next button is enabled. You could also add a Visited state to each Marker and enable the Next button, once all six are in Visited state. However, that would require the user to CLICK each Marker, rather than hover.
For the second slide, you can use the numeric variable that is attached to the slider. Once that variable hits a specific value, the Next button is enabled. 
See attached a quick example.