
Feb 05, 2014

Hi I was wondering whether it was possible to use the same glossary in more than one Articulate Storyline file? I have about 150 words and would be a pain to rewrite them in 8 other files, it would be great to do a copy/paste kind of thing.

2 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jess and welcome to Heroes!

If you want to re-use the same glossary in another project, an easy way to do that is to save your project as a Storyline template. Then, when you're ready to begin a new project, use that template as your starting point by choosing From project template on the Storyline launch screen. When you repurpose content this way, the player customizations on the template (including any Glossary you've added) become part of the new project. If you later add, delete, or change any of the glossary terms, those changes won't automatically carry over to other projects in which you've used the same template. You'll need to make the same changes in each project.

For more information on using the glossary within your player, you may want to review this tutorial. 

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