Help - Undo Set as Default Marker

Jun 21, 2017

I thought it would be helpful to use Set as Default Marker, however, I've changed my mind and cannot undo this function.

When I go to insert Marker, the options are empty/blank.  I opened a new Story file and tried to insert Marker and the options were all visible.

Using Set as Default Marker appears to have knocked out all other options. Is this how this function should work?  How can I undo it without opening a new file?

Thanks in advance for your help.

8 Replies
Tex Hale

Sorry Wendy, perhaps I am not explaining correctly.

I inserted a marker, made changes, set as default.  A few slides later I decided I wanted to change the formatting and was able to do this.

I then decided to insert a "new marker" (rather than editing the current one) using the Insert menu and noticed that all the markers had disappeared (see screen shot attached).

Does this make sense?

Tex Hale

Thanks Wendy.  I am using 360 and I did save and close but got the same result when I opened the file again.

When I open a new 360 file, the insert icon function works fine.  I will continue editing the icons for now as I'm up against short deadline, however, I will run a repair on it after it goes to Review.

Thanks again for all your help.

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