Help with Checklists / Javascript issues

Aug 31, 2018

Hi everyone!

We're building a self-contained tool that allows users to select a worksite scenario and fill out a checklist to comply with our Safety & Health rules for silica exposure. I know there are a million other tools to do this in, including directly HTML, but for complicated reasons to explain, we are trying to make Storyline work as our development environment. Inspired by this helpful thread, I tweaked the code to meet our needs:

I got about halfway done with the checklists, and got this working for about 15 of the 26 checklists. Here's the published output (with some glitches in the checklists) from that point in time: 

When I proceeded a little further in Storyline, however, it stopped working. Unfortunately, I couldn't backtrack my Storyline source file to reach the point of this published draft. And every fix I tried broke checklists that were previously working just fine.

Where I'm at now - I've got a Storyline source file that is doing something really weird. When I publish just a single checklist (a Single Slide), the checklist works just fine. But when I change the publishing to publish the Entire Project, the same checklist doesn't work anymore (the print button functionality doesn't work, and the date variable flips to the default value rather than the JavaScript coded value).

Compare: (Publish -- Single slide)

vs. (Publish -- Entire Project)

(Navigate to the activity menu, select "Drilling", then select "Dowel drilling rigs..." and then finally the "Vacuum dust-collection system...." to open the same checklist as what's displayed in the first single slide link).

These are output from the same Storyline file

I'm baffled. I've tried re-naming the text boxes that hold the SystemDate variable. I've tried deleting the JavaScript trigger and revising my Print button JavaScript code to remove the date all together. I'm baffled why it was working previously when I exported the entire project (see the SilicaDraft2018 link) but suddenly won't work now in the same context. I've tried publishing in both Storyline 3 (where this was originally built) and 360 (I just had that installed on my computer today) but it makes zero difference.

I apologize if this is complicated to understand. Hopefully someone can see what's going on and help me. I'm attaching my current draft Storyline file.

4 Replies
Steve Flowers

Here's one error. Could be more. In this case there is a line break between "operator." and "Applying too much.." This is recognized as an invalid line. Taking out that line break is where I'd start. Found this using the console like Phil recommended above:)

contents+="<div style='font-size:14px;margin-top:5px;'><strong>Note:</strong> <em>These systems include spray equipment attached directly to the operator’s vehicle, water tank trucks equipped with hoses and nozzles, large atomized misting devices, and manual application of water or dust suppressants by a worker assisting the operator.

Applying too much water can create potentially hazardous mud slurry; applying to little will not effectively control dust.</em></div>"

Paul Marsh

What console do I open? I'm still learning the particulars of Storyline.

What's really bugging me is that the same checklist code works just fine if I just publish that one slide. But if I publish the whole file - that same checklist code stops working. 

I get that a slide wouldn't work if there's a JavaScript error (I've been cleaning up and fixing the individual checklist JavaScript errors) . But why would the same exact code work when publishing a slide vs publishing 

And it worked before -- the very first Bit.Ly example in my post had JavaScript errors later in the scene, but the ones that work all work, and I published that course the same way I've published my last link. 

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