help with feedback masters - so inserted "try mode" slides come out right

Mar 05, 2018

Hey Storyliners!

I'm building a long training on a new desktop application, and the bulk of it will be done with screen-recordings and inserting "Try Mode" slides.

The recording part is pretty straight-forward, I just need to actually go through an entire end-to-end scenario in the application, recording it in chunks so that it doesn't become on giant video.

But where I need some help is how to best put in work on the front end, (with my feedback masters slides/layouts I believe) so that when I insert my recordings as Try Mode slides, I don't have SO much manual work to do to fix every slide. 

Some specifics of what I'm talking about are below, but ultimately I'd love to find a discussion or an article or a video that is very specific and detailed about some of these issues...



Examples of help I'm looking to include as "defaults" when I insert my slides in Try Mode:

 - If the user clicks in the wrong place (outside the hotspot) I want a "try again" layer to appear one time, but if they click the wrong place again, it will just proceed to the next slide.

 - I want every Text Entry box to be a specific font/size (Calibri 9pt - which matches closely with the application field font.) I'm not sure where I can update that default, so I don't have to update EVERY text box individually..

 - For text-entry boxes, I want the user to press "Enter" or "Tab" to submit their text entry (not use the submit button from the player.) I'd like the hint captions, if possible, to include the hint of "press enter/tab" when done. This seems to work sometimes but not consistently, and sometimes Tab creates a yellow box around different areas of the screen.

 - If the text entry is not one of the acceptable answers in Form View, I want a "Try Again" feedback layer to appear (reminding them of the correct info to enter), then giving the user another chance to type the answer. If they mess up again, then an "Incorrect" feedback layer to say something like "We've entered the correct text for you" with a Continue button, and then it proceeds as if they entered the text correctly. 

 - How / where can I update the default shape/fill/font of the "Hint Captions?"


1 Reply
Christian Herman

You can modify the default text box by dropping in a text box, typing some text in, formatting as desired, then right-clicking the box and selecting "Set as Default Text Box". You can do the same with markers, if that is what you mean by "Hint Captions".

The rest of what you want to do is certainly possible, but I don't know of any way to make them prefill by default.

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