Hide default close button in lightbox slide

Nov 10, 2023

I am trying to hide the default close button on the lightbox slide.  I've been using this javascript that I got from a post from 3 years ago (https://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-storyline/default-close-button-of-lightbox). 

document.getElementById('light-box-close').style.display = "none";

Previously when I used it, it worked like a charm.  Now I cannot get it to work.  Thinking maybe something changed with the close button reference ID in the latest update, but not sure.

4 Replies
Richard Watson


Additional information while you wait for someone who can provide an additional perspective.



I tested the following on Edge and Chrome using the latest version of Storyline 360 (modern player), and it still removes the close button on the lightbox slide.

The inspector still shows it as: 

document.getElementById("light-box-close").style.display = "none";

/*This code needs to be placed on any slides being Lightboxed
to hide the default close button*/