Hide drag/drop submit button until all items are dropped

Jul 06, 2016


Has anyone successfully hidden a custom submit button for a drag/drop question until all items were dropped? I am looking for a solution that doesn't use a lot of triggers. I tried setting the initial state of the submit button to hidden and then setting a state trigger to show it once 'none of' the options' states were 'normal' but it doesn't work. It shows the submit button as soon as one of the items are dropped. I have attached a simple example of what I'm talking about.

23 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Liz

see attached updated file.

I noticed that the items weren't going into a visited state when they were dropped on the target zones so I deleted the visited states and used a method I use which is offstage objects.

I created an oval offstage with a visited state for each drag item.  I set a trigger to change the state of oval 1 to visited when the one of the objects was dropped onto any of the dropzones and repeated the trigger for the other 3 objects.

Then updated the trigger to change state of submit button to normal when the state of oval1, oval2, oval3 and oval4 are visited.

Hope this helps

Nikki May

Hi Wendy!

Just wanted to pass on my thanks for your beautifully simple solution that has solved an issue that was doing my head in for days! I was unable to use the other suggested solution of changing the drag items themselves to a 'visited' status as I was colour coding my items red and green using the 'drop incorrect' and 'drop correct' states. After reading your solution I have added buttons off screen and change the status of these to 'visited' when the corresponding drag item is dragged onto either of the drop zones. Then one main trigger to change the state of the submit button when all the buttons are visited. I will be eternally grateful!

Best wishes,


Peter Flynn

While i appreciate the fix for this, one wonders why it's not working the way it should in the software itself? Seems like this "bug" has been around for a while where the variables which are set correctly aren't working as intended. Articulate should address the back end issues rather than have us "hack" to fix the problem in the first place. Any idea when this might get resolved. Seems like a lot of extra variables required for something that should be simple. 

Ren Gomez

Hi LaVon,

Thanks for reaching out! Wendy may not be subscribed to this discussion anymore, so feel free to click on her profile and select the Contact Me button. 

If you'd like community help and can share your file publicly here, feel free to do so by clicking Add Attachment, otherwise you can share it with our support engineers, and they'll delete once they're done taking a look!

LaVon Bowman

So many times I have asked a question and almost immediately I think of the answer. There is something about writing out the problem that helps you see things that end up working. So I guess my suggestion is to write it out first and wait 10 or more minutes before you submit it. Clarity happens after you ask. Strange how that works. Thank you.


Wendy Farmer

Sorry LaVon I missed this post but glad to hear you have it sorted. 

I have a 10 minute rule also (depending on complexity)...I try working it out and if I can't get it then I post in the forum. Early days I would waste hours when someone on the forum would have already been through the same thing and solve it in minutes - and in our trade time is money! That's how I gauge how long on spend on a issue.

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