Hotspots, mouseovers, layers and mobile devices

Jan 15, 2019

Hi there, 

I have an image with 5 hotspots, each showing a layer (transparent overlay) on mouse-over that when clicked, opens a new scene. It all works fine in desktop, except on mobile devices.

The trigger is on the layer, not the hotspot, because the hotspot must first display the layer when mouse-over, then the trigger when layer is clicked.

On mobiles, the click of the finger shows the layer. 

Any ideas as to how to get all 3 working for mobile (no mouse)  ;)


4 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Owen!  To clarify, what object is the learner clicking once they're in the layer?  Do you have another hotspot over the entire layer that the learner is clicking?  To have a trigger "when user clicks," you'll need to identify an object on the slide (or layer) to be clicked.

It sounds like on mobile, when the user clicks the hotspot, they see the layer, and if they click again, the new scene doesn't open.  

Christian M. R. K. Bossmann

Hi Crystal,

Thanks for the quick reply. I have put a sample of the content here:

It works fine on desktop, but not on mobile.


100% correct on the mobile comment, if you touch the screen the layer is shown, but you can't click it again as it disappears after you have released it. 

Crystal Horn

Ok, I understand.  Thanks for sharing the sample!  On mobile, because there is no mouse, Hover behaves a bit differently, activated by a long press rather than a mouse.

Can you add a trigger to the hotspot to jump to the next slide?  That way, you'll cover both the desktop and mobile experience.  Without seeing how your file is set up, I created a sample that demonstrates how this works - the slide jump happens as soon as you release the finger press.

Also, I'm looking for some feedback about my crudely drawn freeform gear.  Thanks!  😄

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