How can I Allow user retry quiz in Storyline 360?

May 08, 2017

How can I Allow user retry quiz in Storyline 360?

37 Replies
KJ Ravinder

Hi Wendy, If it is set automatically, then, while revisiting the quiz, it shows the previously selected option in each question.

I want the question slide to be refreshed...I mean user should be able to select the option for each question while retaking the quiz.

Please help me fixing the issue. Can you please try at your end by previewing the complete project and go to final quiz and take quizzes and at the end, click retake quiz and try it.

Thanks KJ. 

Wendy Farmer


on the base layer of the result slide you also had the triggers out of order - the 'show layer' triggers should be before the 'submit results'.

See attached updated .story file and video showing that when you add the triggers to reset the results, change the slide properties and re-order the triggers the user can retake the quiz.

KJ Ravinder

Hello Wendy,

I am still having the issues with Result screen. I am attaching the file for your review. Could you please guide me or could you please correct the files and attach here. I have important deliverable today.Kindly request to look in to the file asap.


Thanks in advance.



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