How do I highlight/show the correct answer to a question?

Jan 14, 2014

Please can you explain/point me to the correct tutorials that show me how I can highlight/show the correct answer to a question when the user gets it wrong a set number of times.

I have both radio button and true/false type answers - if the user gets them wrong more than the allocated number of times, is there a way of showing these with the correct answers selected?



1 Reply
Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Kate,

I created a tutorial (Screenr) a while back that shows how to create a Custom Correct Layer.

This was for a drag and drop, but the same steps would apply for a T/F and I believe a M/C.

I just did a quick test on a T/F (although honestly I can't think people would answer incorrectly 2 times!) and it works. You WOULD have to add a trigger to the Try Again button to set the T and F buttons to normal when the Learner clicks Try Again so they'd get a 2nd chance. And of course you'd have to edit the prompt on your new answer layer.

Any questions, please shout out. If you have an example T/F or MC slide and you can't get this to work, upload it here and we can take a look.

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