HOW? Submit Interaction & Return to a Menu Slide

Apr 10, 2013

I am new to Storyline (about a week).

I have a menu slide which has 4 buttons on it.  Each button leads to it's own interaction - I would like to return to the menu slide after each interaction is submitted (so the user can visit and complete all 4 interactiions).  I can't seem to make it do both- submit the interaction and go to the designated slide. 

I've tried to create my own "Submit" button but realized I don't think it can do 2 triggers on the same button, same action (user clicks) - to both submit the interaction and designate which slide to go to next.  And I can't seem to figure out how to submit the interaction but not go anywhere - so then I can have a button to go to my predetermined slide.  I can only figure out how to do one or the other, not both.  Any ideas?  Is there an option out there to resolve this and accomplish both actions?

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