How to add page numbers in Storyline2

Mar 31, 2016

Hi team,

I'm using Storline2 softeware, in that I want to add page numbers for each slide.

For that I used to create a text box in master slide "%currentSlide% of %totalSlides%" and created two variables also. like, "currentSlide-set to "0" default value and "totalSlides-set 46". Again I came back to slide view and created trigger for this. (Adjust variable-> variable assigned to "currentslide" -> then Value="1" -> when: timeline starts ->selected the current slide. )

If I selected like this, page numbers are getting updated butwhen I'm go back to previous slide, it is adding previous slide number also with this. (eg. now I'm going fromslide3 to slide2, it is showing pagenumber:4).

Could you please help me on this. how to resolve this.?




13 Replies
Meera C

Thanks for your reply Darren & Christie. It is useful to me. Still I have some issue on this. I have 46 slides in my presentation. In second slide I have manually inserted "Proceed button" instead of "next" button and Previous button is there. In master slide, I have done trigger to +1 when user clicks the next button and to -1 when they click the previous button. Again come back to my second slide and have given trigger separately for "Proceed" button  and the same condition implemented here. But still, after publishing it is not increasing slide number when I clicked on "Proceed" button. for 3rd slide also it is showing "slide number2" only.

should I follow any other way for fixing this issue?



Meera C


I have attached the sample story here. Please find the same.

And please help me anyone to a solution for the below points.

1. Instead of "Next Button" I inserted Proceed button manually. When I click the Proceed button, it should change the Page number. ( here I used "By user" option)

2. I need solution for "Automatically decide" option also. When it is moving to next slide automatically it should change the page number.

3. It should appear page number for both "(Prev,Next) button control & Menu title bar "control.

4. How to display "Course duration" in a module. After publishing the module, I should see the course duration near to module title.



Wendy Farmer

HI Meera

it was your trigger order on the proceed button - you had it jumping to another slide before it did the add +1 to the variable plus you had two add+1 variables on the proceed button.

It nows goes 1,2,3, 4, 5 - here are the triggers on the proceed button.

Meera C

Hi Wendy,

Thank you for your support. Now it is changing the slide numbers properly.

And, One more clarification, In the same presentation e.g.: while seeing the 4th slide...  I have a doubt. so I want to see/come back to  the 2nd slide once again. Instead of using PRV, Next button, I'm navigating the slides  from menu bar. It's  navigating the slide. But here, the page number still showing the last visited page. can we change the slide number here..??. If possible, please share that also. ( when we used Articulate studio, that option is there. Even if we navigate through menu, or play back buttons for both, the page number will change.) . Do you have any suggestion for this??  :-)     I have attached the screenshot for your reference. please find the same.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Meera, 

Since you're controlling the slide number there using a variable you'd need to look at ways in which you could modify the variable based on how the user has navigated back to that slide. Since Storyline is not set up to always have a linear navigation as Studio does, the page numbers aren't built in and have to be controlled by the custom variables as Wendy has shown. 

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