How to decrease size of SCORM

Feb 08, 2014

Hi, I had a wish to make some video how to use some software. I resized window of object software to 700x500 and made screen recording. After capture is over Storyline appeared and I picked View mode. It made 90 slides. I corrected some details and I made SCORM  as export option. ZIP file reached 41MB; without any sound!

I planned it to use on Moodle web site where upload is limited up to 30MB file, so I decided to resize layout to 600x400  but when I saved it again as SCORM and under other name I got almost same size file! During examination of ZIP files I saw that there pictures (90 jpg images) remained with same size, just Javascript or Flash window (player) showed it as smaller images and presentation.

How to resize so big images and resulting file to smaller resolution in order to get smaller file?
Thank you. 

6 Replies
Stratbeans C

I think what can help you is to reduce the size (and hence the quality) of jpg images that you are using in articulate storyline.

One quick way of doing that is by using batch size reduction - here is how it can be done

Once you have done that use the reduced size images in your storyline file.

Leslie Eldridge

If I understand you well, I need:

  • make screen casting with some resoluition
  • correct small errrors in project
  • make test SCORM export and check length of ZIP archive
  • if length is more than limit then enter into folder with images and resize them 10-25%
  • then zipp again with so changed images and hope it's enough?

I thought it's there more comfortable way directly from Storyline, IMHO it shall make routine that change Layout, at same time... :/

OK, thanks, I'll try this way.

Stratbeans C

Though its an old thread but could be relevant to other users.  We have seen good success in size reduction of published SCORM size further (image, audio, video) so that it can fit the LMS or come to a reasonable size for end user to play , one can make use of  to compress further. Repetitive work of finding media files and compressing manually one by one is thus replaced. Its available for a free use.