How to find master slides being used?

Sep 24, 2012

In the slide master if you mouse over any of the slides a pop-up shows how many slides are using the slide layout.  How do you find out which slides are using a specific layout?  I have some duplicate slides in my slide master and some of them are only used once by a slide.  I want to find that one slide and change the layout so I can get rid of the duplicate in the slide layout.

55 Replies
Sandy Pobst

Glad to see some tips here on how to find that 1 elusive slide layout using the wrong slide master! Thanks to those who posted.

This (multiple versions of the same slide master) is still a huge annoyance. Every time I import a slide into a project, it brings the entire slide master with it, even though the slides are using the same slide master template/names. It may not affect functionality, but it can affect consistency if someone imports a slide from an old layout that has been updated elsewhere. I've added my 2c with a feature request, but since the first post is 9 years old.... not holding my breath.

Karen Alveston

Hello all. I have been having the same issue everyone here has been talking about for the past 8 years, but now in my most recent project, it has expanded into the Feedback Master! I may be the only Storyline developer who didn't know that all slide layers use the Feedback Master blank layout by default. So when I wanted to clean up my master slides, I could not delete several feedback masters because some layer somewhere in my course was using that master's blank layout. That elusive message "Layout Blank being used by 1 slide" is killing me! ha ha

Articulate 360 - Storyline: Slide Layers Use the Feedback Master Blank Layout by Default - Articulate Support

Wendy Williams

I AGREE! This is in my mind a basic feature that should have been here all along. In the interim I have found a work around, not perfect but it helps me find them.

1. Go to Master slide view
2. Select the layout you are looking for
3. Place a large box covering the entire slide and then make it bright yellow, (or red or whatever you prefer)
4. Now that slide will stand out dramatically when you go back to your presentation view and you can see if any slides are using it.

I use this to find when a slide is on an old layout that I am trying to get rid of. I find the offending yellow slide, attach it to the correct layout and when I am done, I can then go back to the master view and delete the bad ones.

Hope it helps, not ideal but it is working for me until Articulate can figure out how important this feature is!!

Wendy Williams
Design and Development Lead Tax Education

Stefan Gottfried
Wendy Williams

I AGREE! This is in my mind a basic feature that should have been here all along. In the interim I have found a work around, not perfect but it helps me find them.

1. Go to Master slide view
2. Select the layout you are looking for
3. Place a large box covering the entire slide and then make it bright yellow, (or red or whatever you prefer)
4. Now that slide will stand out dramatically when you go back to your presentation view and you can see if any slides are using it.

I use this to find when a slide is on an old layout that I am trying to get rid of. I find the offending yellow slide, attach it to the correct layout and when I am done, I can then go back to the master view and delete the bad ones.

Hope it helps, not ideal but it is working for me until Articulate can figure out how important this feature is!!

Wendy Williams
Design and Development Lead Tax Education

Hi Wendy,
thanks for your reply. I am already aware of this workaround. But I fear that we will use this workaround for the next decade.

Wendy Williams

Yep, I hear you. It is very frustrating and cost us so much time! Good luck on your search...Maybe if we all keep bringing to the front in the forums someone will finally do something about it. It may not be as important to their business model as AI but come on guys, it has been YEARS!!!

Wendy Williams
Design and Development Lead Tax Education