How to insert published Storyline 1 project into another Storyline 1 project

Jul 23, 2015

In PowerPoint one can insert a link to another Office document and open it up while in slide view mode in PPT.

Is there a similar type feature in Storyline 1?  We have a published Storyline project that we would like to access while working in another Storyline project (not necessarily in published mode).  

We'll have Storyline open in development mode doing a demonstration and want to be able to link to the other published project.

Is this possible?  How is it done?


3 Replies
Victoria Aleman

Hi Leslie,

Thanks for the reply.  After I posted this I tried the "insert flash object" feature.  However, it's not working in preview mode.  

We might not have this in presentation/published mode.  We'll be doing demo within Storyline through a web-conference application.  One part will be the published project someone else already created and we want to be able to access it without having to close the main project and switch over.

Like you say, hopefully others in the community may have ideas/suggestions.

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