How to make each word selectable and then ask learners choose the right words

Feb 04, 2019

Hello everybody,

I'm working on my thesis and creating a tool for reading comprehension by using articulate.  I have solved many of my problems with the discussions here, thank all of you.

I have a long text ( as my advisor didn't recommend scrool down) whose page one is in base layer and the second page is on a  different layer. What I am trying to do is making all the words selectable and then ask the learners to choose the words or phrases that helped them to understand the text structure. I tried hotspot but I confused both because the words are not selectable and I have a second layer. Then I looked at this thread and came acroos with Freeform Multiple Response by Jeanette Brooks which is a great solution instead of hotspot, but I have 537 words  in the text so choosing, bordering, adding shapes and making them transperant and changing the state of all of them and so on would be very time consuming for me.

So is there an easy way to make the words selectable on both layers and testing the learners for their choices of words/phrases? I hope I could explain my problem.

Thank you!  

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