how to make "selected" state a toggle?

Jan 08, 2021

Storyline 360, Pick Many question: When the user selects an option, I'd like it to continue to have a Selected state until the user clicks it again.

Is there any way to do that? 

TIA - 



5 Replies
Walt Hamilton

That is how it works, unless you change it. Any object with a Selected state works that way, which is the built-in nature of the Selected state. That functioning can be defeated by selecting several objects and making them a button set, which changes their function. Only one of a button set can be selected at a time.

Unless you create a trigger to change the state to selected.
Such a manually created trigger will create conflict with the built-in trigger in unpleasant ways and times that can't be predicted.

Lerissa Patrick

No, the one that finally worked was Visited. So now the user can select option A, C, and E, for example, and then click Submit. 

However, the user can't select option A and then change his mind and un-select it by clicking it again. I guess the easiest route at this point is a "Clear" button.