How to make the BG transparent?

Mar 31, 2014

Hi there,

I was looking around on the forum but only found old files and things wo won't work on my project..

I want to make te BG transparent.

I've set all the player BG's to 100% transparency. Also i've set all of the slides bg to 100%.

Now it appears i have to change something in the .html file, can someone help me to find that line and give me a hint what i have to write there?

And.. isn't there already an option in storyline?


1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Bram,

You're looking for total transparency in the slides and the player? Have you looked at removing the player elements completely to get a "chromeless effect" as described here?

Also, as far as player colors, there are a number of items that would be changed and they're detailed hereĀ in a quick-reference diagram.

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