How to setup a graded test?

Mar 12, 2021

Hello, I am pretty new to articulate and would like some advice on how to approach the following:

I have a 12 question self stress-test. Where you can choose as many answers as you want. The result is based on how many boxes you have checked. 1-3 = mild stress, 4-6 = high stress and 7+ = super stressed.

Is there a good template for a case like this? If I have to build it from scratch, any insights on how to approach the setting or maybe a link to a webinar that is dealing with this kind of topic?

Thanks in advance!

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

Hi, Marko,

It's time to get comfortable with conditions and variables! 

The attached file demonstrates these steps:

  • Get the number of responses on a given slide into a variable by checking if each response is selected or not
  • Add the number of responses from multiple slides to get the total number of responses
  • Provide feedback based on the value of the final number

I also included some basic programming notes to explain the triggers I used.

You can find out more about conditions here: 

You can find out more about variables here:  

If you have Articulate 360, you might also want to check out this webinar about number variables: