How would you structure this project?

Jul 10, 2017

Good morning,

Here I am again, wishing you a good start into the new week. Can I ask you for your advise, regarding structure and set-up of a training course?

On attached screenshot you see one of my courses. It's called "Welcome at the company" and consists of 6 training steps, that amount to the course. For now I set up the whole course in one project. But this will make a huge file plus I can only start the review process, once all steps have been completed. I therefore tend to separate the file into one story per step. But how would I then link the steps to the course intro (Slide 1.1 - 1.3 are intro. Slide 1.3 is a "table of content" where learners jump the the different steps.) so that when the learner clicks on slide 1.3 onto table tab "Geschichte", he directly jumps to slide 1.4? 

I hope to be clear with what I want to know and thank you in advance for your advise.

Best regards, Roland

10 Replies
Roland Straub

That's smashing! Thanks for the helpful documentation on that. It'll help me, once I'm there.

Btw, I really like to work with articulate instruction descriptions and I appreciate the excellent because precise, to-the-point and always very polite wording as well as the obviously habitual friendliness. Do you guys ever frown ;-)??? This really lives up to the function description you staff guys have. I totally like "Customer Happiness Specialist" :-). Had to let that off because most trainings I'll create will be for our own "Customer Service" and - entre nous, Alyssa - they could take a huge leaf out of how CS is performed at articulate. I just feel very inspired what I could, should add within our chapter “Customer Relationship”! Ahm..., sorry, when I'm enthusiastic, I tend to get carried away :-) 

There popped up another question, as you mentioned Quizzing: I intend to end each training step with a first quiz about each topic. After having finished all 6 learning steps, the learner will have to take a final exam, for which I'll create a separate learning step. So there is no tracking of quiz questions within the steps, only within each step itself. And I can sure create a question bank from the 6 quizzes and then use the QB for the final quiz. Does that sound right?  

Enough keeping you from work. Btw, I truly hope that you don't have too tight time targets for each call/ticket. I wouldn't want to crash your target record with a compliment. Thanks for the support and best regards


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Roland, 

We'll always accept a compliment and I'm glad to hear that Alyssa and others on our team were able to help you out! 

For the quiz set up, it sounds like you'll have a quiz at the end of each of your 6 topics, that is not tracked (via a results slide) and then would like to use those same questions again at the very end of the course for a final quiz that you would track by a results slide?

If the user will be seeing the same exact question slide that could interfere with tracking (as they'd already have completed it) but you could duplicate a question slide and include that in your final quiz bank. You'll want to double check that your results slide is tracking the particular question bank (not the individual questions) so that way the user is scored on the right items! 

If you've got a sample file worked up or get stuck, don't hesitate to share it here! Our team and the community of ELH are always happy to take a look and offer some other insights or advice. 😀

Roland Straub

Hi Ashley

Seems, that I'd better take a deeper look into the topic "tracking quiz results" again, once I'm there. I understand your words, e.g. "If the user will be seeing the same exact question slide that could interfere with tracking" but am still missing the context.

I'll gladly get back to you, when the quiz comes up.

Thanks and have a great weekend


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Sound good Roland! 

To provide a bit more context there I meant that if the user is revisiting a question slide (as in you're using the same exact slide and allowing them to retry it) that'll impact the results as that slide's score will only be reported once (for the last attempt prior to the results slide). 

So you could look at duplicating the question slide and using that copy again to treat it as a new attempt. 

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