HTML5 Not running (Storyline)

Mar 15, 2016

Good Day,

When i publish the Storyline i run the HTML5 but its now working properly, the content is no where to be found, is the storyline 2 can only run at a flash based Module the when detected IOS/Android it will run to the articulate apps.


Sorry for the Inconvenience,

Thank you and God Bless.

5 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jeffrey!

Articulate Storyline lets you publish courses for Flash, HTML5, and the Articulate Mobile Player app. To distribute your published content, upload it to your web server or LMS, then link to the story.html file in the published output. Here’s how Storyline determines which version of your content to display when learners view it.

I'm not sure I'm following what is happening. Do you have a .story file for us to take a look at?

jeffrey cabang

Now i get it, i was thinking that it can run HTML5 and Flash on a browser at the same time, so the HTML5 is when it was view in the AMP because FLASH is not supported on the IOS/Android Devices.

Do you have any suggestion or recommendation how to build a LMS for our Produced projects. that may record user activity like score and everything that possible to be recorded.

Thank you and God Bless.

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