I need help with a feedback trigger

Mar 10, 2017

Hi everyone,

In the example provided below, there is only one correct answer; clicking #7.  As you can see, when you click #7 you get check mark feedback.  The goal is if you click any thing else or any combination that does not include #7 ONLY, it should give you "X".  For example...if you click #3, the "X" appears.  If you continue and click the #7, the check marks appear.  This is incorrect.  Only selecting #7 is a correct response.  How can I get it to return an "X" result in these situations.

I tried initially using layers, but then changed to state changes. Please be aware that this is simplest example.  Later examples will have the correct answer being #4, #7 and #8 as a correct response.  I appreciate any help.

5 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Michael is right, states are just like us, every one thinks it is normal, and reports to the system that it is normal.

I see two other problems:

One is that "When state of ... is" does not really mean "When state of ... becomes", so I have seen examples that work using it when only a certain number of states is checked. I believe if the system has to check too many states, it can miss some when they change.

The other is that to turn on the check marks and turn them off when you have three switches is going to require probably 4 complicated triggers per switch. My solution to simplify that is to write the triggers and attach them all to one action, rather than to 8 distinct objects.

In the sample, each switch changes a variable, and each time the variable changes, it checks the state of the switches, It is set up on to show the checks only when switches 4 and 7 are selected.

Slide one is the original, and slide two has the changes on it.

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