Icons or Pictures

Jun 05, 2024

Hey everyone! I have noticed that when I search for Icons and then insert them, they are actually pictures. Which is a problem when I need to then change the colour of the thing (which you can't do with pictures). Is there a reason why this is happening? I was in here last week and did not have this issue. I've also updated to the latest version with the same results.

4 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Lindsay,

Happy to help!

Would you mind sharing which exact icon you are adding to your Storyline 360 project so we can check why it is being downloaded as an image file? 

To test the behavior, I inserted a "test" icon and changed the shape color, and this is the result:

Please share a screenshot of the exact icon, as well as the search criteria you used to find the icon so we can test the behavior. 

Looking forward to your response!