Import Excel File of Coding Language Quiz

Jun 08, 2020


I need some help with importing an Excel file with quiz questions into SL. 

The file includes questions and answers on a C++ course and I am having issues with how the coding language symbols (e.g. //) are displayed. I typed the answers in in the correct form, using *correctanswer.

As in C++ there are several commands starting with //randomsymbols and we want to create questions about what exact command to use, I'd need to have the symbols displayed correctly.

Is there any magic trick on how I can fix this?

Thanks a lot!


5 Replies
Jessica Schreiber

Thanks Dave! I looked at your file and it seems to work somehow.

Now I just have to figure out what's the problem with my import.

As soon as I import the file, all the text after a // is treated like a comment and not displayed in my form view.

Did you do anything specific with the way how you typed in your questions? I am wondering why it is weird for me.

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