Inconsistent Bold from Master Slide

Dec 23, 2019

I have some text on a Master Slide that I have bolded, but when I preview that text on a content slide some of the letters are bolded, and some are not. Check out the screenshots attached.

Anyone run into this problem and know of a fix? Seems like a bug. Only occurs when I preview and publish, but not in the Editor.

5 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Jordan,

Thanks for sharing those images, and sorry to hear you're coming across this issue! I'm not able to replicate what you're seeing, but a couple of questions to see if I can get close:

  • Is the text on the Master slide, or the master slide layout?
  • What font are you using?

If you're able to share your file publicly here, feel free to do so by clicking Add Attachment, otherwise you can share it privately with me here, and I'll delete once I'm done taking a look!

Ren Gomez

Hi Jordan,

Thanks for sharing your file! After some further digging, it looks like you've come across a bug that we have reported where the text is compressed in a textbox/shape when there is a variable reference included. I'm really sorry I can't say when the issue will be fixed, but I'll be sure to update you in this discussion when there's any progress to share!

As a workaround, you can separate the variable reference into a new text box, and that should fix the bolding issue.

Wesley Adams

Ya getting the same issue. Using 3 dynamic text variables in Slide Master in a single text box. The text box contains 3 variables to display the course name, lesson name, and slide name. All set to Arial and then bolded.

2 are custom text variables I created and the last 1 is the new "Slide Number" feature to grab the slide name. My "Slide Number" slide name characters were the only ones that looked weird like Jordan's screenshots above. 

The fix we used was as to Ren's suggestion to separate out the variable reference boxes. We only separated out the "Slide Number" variable and that seemed to fix the non-bolding issue there.

My other 2 custom variables were always fine. Probably because I'm setting the variable's characters to a specific set of words/letters which never change slide to slide.

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