Inserting a Google Form into Articulate

Mar 27, 2014

We've been using this tutorial to embed a google form into a storyline presentation.

On the presentation the link to put into articulate is at the bottom of the screen, but that is not how it looks on our google docs.  We tried to used the 'file --> embed' link, and articulate says it is not a valid address.  When we try the 'link to share' link address when we publish the presentation, the form is not there.  (the slide is blank).  Any ideas on how to fix this?  

Thanks -


18 Replies
Chelsea Stroh

Hey Ashley - 

I can definitely see the form in your published story, as well as your submission (awesome!!) but it still fails to show up when I duplicate the steps in our presentation.  (we can see it when we 'preview link', but when we publish the presentation that slide is just blank)

I have attached the presentation if you don't mind to take a look to see if we missed something...


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Chelsea,

I published your course and placed it within my Articulate Online account and it displays fine for me. Can you check this version here?  You'll need to test the published output within the intended environment to see any web objects as testing it locally will cause you to encounter a security restriction. 

Amy Pennington

Thanks for the quick response.  The google form will work for the example I was creating for a class that I am taking.  My issue is work.  I have to house the Storyline Output folder on a sharepoint site and then link the index.html file to our website.  I'm not sure if the Google form will still work correctly or not.  Have to do a test.


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