Interactive Video

Apr 18, 2016

Hi all. Do anyone know how to freeze the timeline for an interactive video.  I actually have created a tutorial video with small messages popping up at certain moments, but whenever somebody pauses the video, position of those popups gets disturbed and they start appearing at wrong points. So I just want to create some trigger/slide layer that allows the user to freeze the timeline and popups simultaneously whenever somebody clicks on the video.   
Please suggest what can be done. 

8 Replies
Vaibhav Arya

Thanks again Wendy. Actually, the thing is there is a brief tutorial video for new hires in the office and over certain points there will be messages (in form of oval boxes which I have placed over the timeline for a specific duration) popping up to provide more information to the user about what's happening in the video at that given point of time. But whenever somebody is pausing the video, further message boxes are getting displaced from their defined positions. They start appearing earlier for the time taken while the video was paused. So my intent is simply to freeze the entire timeline, video as well those small message boxes whenever someone clicks on the screen. But it's just not happening, I even tried by creating a trigger as you suggested but still not getting the desired output.
Sharing that video will be slightly tough for my profile. though I request you to please suggest something.    

Vaibhav Arya

This is certainly helpful Wendy, but maybe still not serving to my intentions. I haven't created any slide layers, all I have few objects placed over the timeline, and I just want them to act parallelly with the video. Whenever somebody pause the video, even those objects should get paused. No way to do so?   

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Vaibhav,

If you're allowing the user to pause the video using the "video controls" it is no longer associated with the timeline of the slide - therefore the elements may be out of sync. We've also seen an issue pop up recently where video/audio is out of sync when using the seekbar to scrub the timeline. You can see my most recent response on that issue here. 

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