Is anyone having a problem with SL2 quiz formatting?

Jun 02, 2016

On some questions where there is multiple choice or even true/false answer, there will be an outline around the correct answer even though I see no outline on slide and even when I select no outline under the format tab.  But when I preview the quiz theres outline around one of the answers. 

Is this a common problem?  Is there a way to fix this or clean it up?



5 Replies
Britannia Robinson

I am not able to send it.  But I only see it when I preview the question.  When I create the a multiple choice question fill in all the answers then preview it, one of the answers are outlined.  Oddly, it doesn't do this on all the questions. Just some of them. Perhaps I should just rewrite those questions.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Britannia,

If it's only on some questions, looking at rebuilding them would be a good first step and you'll also want to confirm that you're working on local project files as detailed here. You could also try importing it into a new file to see if that resolves any of the odd behavior. 

If you can share privately you can also upload it to our team here. 

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