Is it possible to only send final score to LMS?

Jun 24, 2013

Sorry for newbie question but is is possible to publish so that only the final result score is sent to LMS? I an getting a score being sent on the submit of each question. Ideally I just want the score when the results slide has been hit.

5 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Tim and Welcome to E-Learning Heroes!

You have two options:

1-Track using number of slides viewed: With this option, your LMS will determine whether a learner has passed or completed your course by monitoring the number of slides the learner has viewed. Use the selector to choose a number.

2-Track using quiz result: This option appears if your course includes a quiz result slide. Select this if you want your LMS to track learners' status based on their quiz results. If your course has multiple quizzes, you'll need to pick just one result slide to use for tracking.

You can find this and other information in this tutorial.

Tim Tompkins

Thanks for the swift reply. I am using option 2 (track using quiz result).  The tutorial is very enlightening but doesn't quite answer my specific question.

I am publishing to LMS using SCORM 1.2 and I am finding that each time a question is submitted a score is posted to the LMS (technically a value for SCORM variable cmi.core.score.raw is sent).

What I would like to know is whether there is a way to stop this happening for each question and only have the score sent to the LMS at the end of the quiz?


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