Is there a way to play audio across slides without stopping

Jun 24, 2014

Greetings all,

Is there a way to continuously play audio across all slides in a presentation (as if in the background)? And if yes, please provide the programming method.

Thanks and cheers,


5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Russell,

Storyline doesn’t allow you to add background audio or span audio across multiple slides.  If you'd like to suggest these features, submit a feature request to our product development team.  There are also some users who discuss similar ideas in this thread with a few workarounds. 

Dan Graham

Hey guys. I had a client request this feature and couldn't find an elegant solution anywhere. I managed to come up with my own solution that allows Storyline to pull the audio files from the resources section. You can view a sample here... 

I had to create my own custom javascript, but I put together a video and a blog with all the javascript you'd need to recreate this effect on your own...

Hope this helps! And happy Storylining!