Issue when working through Storyline project on LMS

Jul 11, 2016

Hey guys!

I need help with a large project I have been working on for quite some time now. I have finished a test ready storyline project and uploaded it to my LMS. The issue happens when the user goes through the scenario within the LMS. Randomly the scenario will not let the user continue even if they are getting the answer correct. I cannot figure out what the issue is and it doesn't seem to be an issue with the button or triggers that are sent up because of how random it is. I am wondering if there is/was an update to resolve this issue?

Because If the file size I include a link to download the full storyline project.

Thank you.



8 Replies
Melissa Lucas

I didn't know about SCORM Cloud, I have only tested the finished project in preview within storyline and within our LMS. It's never a specific slide it completely random. I see a pattern in randomly getting locked up when I've selected/deselected wrong and right answers. Maybe something is getting locked up with the triggers these pages. It's not consistent at all though.  

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Melissa!

Well, I tried to ignore those scenes, but they were branches from the scenes you did want me to take a look at so that didn't work ;)

I took a look at the course a couple of times and I'm not hitting any snags.

Could you take a look at my published course and let me know if/where you run into any? I'd like to track down a slide or two to focus on to try to replicate.

Melissa Lucas

I am unable to get this to happen again and I tried it in safari and in chrome in a pc environment. However I have been told by a co-worker they got stuck on the attached image and said this

"I seem to be stuck on this page. It gave me a congratulations after selecting the private utilities... but it didn't progress me to a new page. None of the dots are selectable, but I can select the Submit button. However, when I press submit nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?"

I haven't been able to reproduce this issue either. 

People seem to be running in to random issues but it doesn't seem to be the file?

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