Jeopardy Game - How a learner can replay the game?

Jul 05, 2023


Thanks so much to Elizabeth Pawlicki for doing that great E-Learning Heroes webinar on building a Jeopardy-style game. I 'm incorporating such a game into one of my E-Learning courses!

A colleague asked me if there's a way for the learner to replay the game without having to exit the course - in other words,  resetting the game back to the starting point?

Thanks again!

8 Replies
Jeffrey Holman

Hi Elizabeth! The game is going to come as the last scene in a course. So really, the game will be embedded in a multi-scene SL course. It'll be the last scene within the course. I'm thinking we don't need restart the course - rather, allow the learner to reset the game while in the scene, still staying in the course.

Jeffrey Holman

Hi Elizabeth! Just tried to import the jeopardy game into my course SL file as a new scene and it's not working - links messed up, Results slide missing, etc. I tried importing the whole game at once as well as one or two slides at a time. Not working.

Hope I won't have to rebuild all the triggers, etc. in the course proper.

Maybe another way would be to provide a link from the main course file to the game file. Not sure how to do this - the course is being posted on our LMS. Is this an LMS Administrator thing?

Any advice/suggestions will be very valued.
