Jump to specific slide

Sep 08, 2022

Dear Team, 

How to jump from one slide to specific slide? It's like a GoTo feature.

Scenario: If I enter a 5 in numeric entry field or any text box and click/enter on GoTo button, then a trigger jumps to slide 5 (which holds the variable x value ==2) . If I put a 9 instead; it jumps to slide 9 (as per pre-defined variable value in every page). 


3 Replies
Judy Nollet

The jump-to-slide trigger lets you choose a specific slide. You can provide different options based on other user actions (such as a text entry or button selection). To do that, you need triggers with conditions.

Here's an example of how your trigger might look: 

You can get more info about conditions here: https://community.articulate.com/series/articulate-storyline-360/articles/storyline-360-working-with-triggers#conditions 

Phil Mayor

This is probably because the text value has not updated yet. For the value to be active the text entry box must lose focus, the enter key will not do that the workaround may be to add all of the triggers to a layer and set them to when timeline starts and then set the when uses presses a key to show the layer, by adding another text entry to the bottom of the timeline on that layer (can be off screen and have no focus, should force the focus off of your current text entry field.

Judy Nollet

I'll add another caveat: If you present a numeric-entry field, the user can enter any number —even if the instructions tell them what to enter. That means programming is needed to check for "bad" numbers, so the course can provide appropriate feedback. 

Thus, if there are limited options, it'd be easier to give them a set of radio buttons. Then the go-to triggers could use conditions based on which button is selected.