12 Replies
Scott Wiley

Hi Sophia,

It would help to understand what you're trying to accomplish here.

I see the trigger to open the "var" layer when the main timeline starts. But then on the "var" layer, I'm seeing another trigger to immediately show the "next" layer when the "var" timeline starts. 

As for the "next" layer, it's probably best if you just leave your nav buttons on the main layer and control their ability (enabled/disabled, visible, etc.) with triggers rather than layers with triggers.

The next puzzling thing is on the "next" layer I see a trigger trying to open the layer it's on, which won't work.


Christian Koegel

Thank you for your help!

@Walt: Makes sense.

@Scott: Thanks. The idea is, to have a slide, that shows one image of the chest xray and ask 3-4 questions about it. To answer, the user has to click on certain areas on the image, e.g. where is the left 1st rib, where is the heart, where is the left lung. I added a variable answered, to keep track of which questions have been answered and to make the next question pop up. Here I get stuck. Do you know  way to do that? I dont want to duplicate slides for each question. I think there must be a more elegant way.

Christian Koegel

Hi Scott! I appreciate your help! The issue with duplicating slides is that I think the file size gets big with large numbers of questions, as each slide has an image. LUckily, I just found a way by putting each question on its own layer and show/hide the layer, one after the other.
I have another question: do you know if there is a hotspot function, that triggers when you click ANYWHERE IN THE IMAGE BUT the hotspot?

Scott Wiley

Hi Sophia,

There are times when hotspots are the way to go, but their main strength is to be able to show/hide the hand cursor on hover.

Shapes offer more flexibility, like the ability to create and manipulate states, can utilize in button sets, and more.

As for the optimization w/duplication, I forget where that came from, but seem to remember Tom Kuhlman mentioning a benefit. I think he was comparing multiple insertions of a new slide w/image placeholder, but inserting the same image in it, with just duplicating the same slide.