Layer/State issues - SL 2

Sep 06, 2018

When the user clicks on DUPE it changes state but the PAY button on layer Claim 1 still shows. Not true if they click the PAY button (the DUPE button is covered). I've tried a bunch of things including moving things to front/back; and creating the Pay button, copying, pasting and changing the graphic for Dupe. Any ideas for how to get PAY to not show when the user clicks DUPE?

The idea is that regardless of which one the user clicks, they will get information about why DUPE or PAY might be a good choice. In some cases there is a clear right and wrong, but not in others. Thanks in advance!

3 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Sharon

see if the updates I did to your file are what you want.

When an object has a hover state and/or a selected state - SL automatically knows what to do you don't need triggers to change state to hover or selected and in some cases triggering will cause issues.

I've deleted all the triggers and added triggers to change the state of DUPE to hidden if the user clicks PAY or change state of PAY to hidden if users clicks DUPE.

Let me know if that is a Peek video showing how its working.

Sharon Greenspan

Wow, Wendy Farmer - you are fast!!! for Normal, Selected and Hover, SL knows what to do but a Trigger must be created for Hidden. Ok - always learning. This helps a lot! In fact, I have a meeting with the client tomorrow and it'll be so nice to show what I'm thinking. (and I have another project to which I hope to apply this basic approach).

I started out with Drag and Drop, hoping to drag the claim to DUPE or PAY just to make it more interactive. I could not figure out how to create a customized drag/drop button or to fake it using the existing ones.

thanks, again, for your help!

Wendy Farmer

Glad that helps Sharon - any built-in state SL knows what to do

Here is some info from the KB article:

There are several built-in states that you can apply to objects in Storyline:

Normal: This is the neutral state for an object. By default, it's also the initial state for an object (i.e., how it looks when it first appears in the published output), although the initial state can be changed.
Hover: This is how an object appears when learners move their mouse over it. If this state exists for an object, it'll automatically display when learners hover over it. In other words, you don't need to create a trigger to invoke it.
Down: This is how an object appears while it's being clicked. If this state exists for an object, it'll automatically display when learners click it. You don't need to create a trigger to invoke it.
Selected: This is how an object appears when it's been selected. It's generally used to indicate that a learner has chosen the object. For example, a check box uses the selected state to provide a visual cue (check mark), indicating it has been clicked.

Selected states are often used in conjunction with button sets, so only one object can be selected at a time.

If the selected state exists for an object, it'll automatically display when learners click it. You don't need to create a trigger to invoke it.

Visited: This is how an object appears after it has been clicked. It's useful when you want to provide learners with a visual indicator of the objects they've already clicked (for example, a series of buttons).

Storyline remembers this state when learners revisit the same slide later unless you've configured the slide properties or layer properties to "reset to initial state."

If the visited state exists for an object, it'll automatically display after learners click it. In other words, you don't need to create a trigger to invoke a visited state.

Disabled: Use this state when you want to disable an object. A disabled object is visible to learners, but it won't respond when hovered over, clicked, or dragged. Unless it's the initial state of an object, you'll need to use a trigger to invoke it.
Hidden: This state makes an object invisible. Unless it's the initial state of an object, you'll need to use a trigger to hide an object.

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