Layer - video pops up. How does the user go back to main page?

Oct 27, 2023

Hello - fairly new to SL. I'm trying  to replicate a eLearning my predessor did with SL and layers.  When a hot spot is clicked, I have a trigger for a layer and a video to play. That's great.  But is there a setting for an "X" on the video, for the user to X out of layer and go back to the Main page?  

I can't figure it out! 

4 Replies
Walt Hamilton

I prefer shapes, like a rectangle with rounded corners, to buttons. Buttons carry a lot of states (baggage) that I don’t need. I also frequently use text boxes just for ease of creating. But whether shape or text box, you can click it and type to put text on it. Then add a trigger to it. The trigger is Hide this layer when user clicks [object]

If you’re in love with the X, the Multiply shape is more flexible and easier to modify than the letter X, while using a text phrase can give you a lot more options of what the learner sees.