Letting the User Select the Question Bank

Jul 18, 2022

Hi! I'm creating "interactive flashcards," and i'm trying to find a way to let the user choose which question bank to add into the stack.  For example, in the file, we will have 5 question banks: a, b, c, & d. But, on the first slide, I want the user to choose (a) or (a&b) or (a&c&d), etc.  Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

6 Replies
Kelly Auner

Hi, Jessica!

This sounds to be more of a design question, so maybe others in the E-Learning Community will have some insight! In the meantime, here are a couple of resources including flashcards that you may want to check out.

I hope this helps!

Nedim Ramic

I would probably go with the scene based branching scenario with some sort of radio buttons to use for a selection. You already have 5 question banks. Match the number of scenes with the number of choices you are planning to have on the selection slide. If your choices are A, AB, BC, AC and ABC, create 5 scenes and into each scene import the question banks that match your choices. For instance, import the question bank A into the scene A, import the question banks A i B into the scene AB and so on. Insert 5 radio buttons on your selection slides and name them accordingly. You will need the triggers on the selection slide. For example, If ABC is selected, go to Scene ABC where you just put A, B & C question banks; if AB is selected, go to Scene AB where you imported question banks A & B. Do the same for all other choices. I have attached my story example that goes more into details and the link with this example you can play with to see if this could be similar to what you are looking for. 