Lightbox cannot be built with screencast in background

Jun 09, 2016


I am trying to create a lightbox in my video, which is a neat feature of Storyline. Something like in this video

The problem is when I access Format Shape to fill my background with the recorded screencast so I can add the lightbox on top of it, I can only fill it with a picture. This means I need to create a picture out of my screencast for every different screencast, and then use that picture as my background, which is cumbersome.

Am I able to somehow use the screencast as a background? Is there any way to get around that limitation other than what I described?



5 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Joe -- Thanks for reaching out! While I am not familiar with other methods to accomplish what you have described, perhaps others will have some tips and tricks to share to assist you further! And for additional general info on using Lightboxes, I thought I might share the following, as well:

Christie Pollick

I see, Joe -- Thanks for your reply, and I'll go ahead to your fellow community members to assist you further here. 

I did want to mention in case you were not aware, when you reply to a forum notification via email, the details in your signature are displayed publicly here in the post. If you'd like to remove that information, please use the EDIT button beneath your reply. Hope that helps! 

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