Limiting Quiz Attempts in Storyline 360

Jul 05, 2023

I have an assessment built in 360.  I am using the standard results page and am trying to limit the number of quiz attempts t0 2.  I have watched and read most of the posted solutions, but still am having issues.  

I am not sure I have the variable in the right place as the assessment does not seem to have a limit.

The Test Out button one slide 3 will take you straight to the Assessment.

This is a very rough draft.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

I think the problem was that the default value for the "Attempts" variable was 0. That means that the first time the user reaches the Results slide, the variable hasn't registered that as an attempt. When they click the Retry button, the variable increases to 1, but that's really their 2nd attempt at the quiz. 

The attached file limits the attempts to 2 including the first pass through the quiz. (It's only got 1 question slide and the Results slide, because I'm not gonna spend time going thru a 20-question quiz.) 

FYI: I added a "You've reached your limit" message. It would definitely need editing, but I think there should be something that tells the user the reached the attempt limit. It should also tell them how to proceed. 

I also added a text box showing the variable value. That's useful during testing, so you can see what the value is.