Link to other Storyline published file using jump to URL/File

Jun 24, 2013


I'm building a series of demos using Storyline and some of them had to be broken up into several parts. What I'm looking to do is, at the end of each part put a button that will allow the next published demo to open and begin so the user does not have to return to a folder and open up the next part manually.

These published files are going to be stored on the user's computer so this is not an online URL link; it would be a link to a file on the machine.

Going through and using the "jump to URL/File" option within Storyline, I did a test and tried to link two demos together. I found the appropriate file to link to (the 'story.html' file) and published everything out. However, when I went to test it the button did not work. I clicked on it and nothing happened. I went back into the Storyline file to verify the path was correct and it was, but the button still did not work. And these are files stored locally on my own computer.

My question is if I'm doing something wrong or if this is even possible to do this using Storyline? Some of these demos have up to nine parts in them and this would make the entire process easier.

For data transfer reasons, the parts cannot be combined and published in one file/part.

If anyone needs further elaboration on the process, if something is unclear, or if additional information is required please let me know.

Thank you in advance!

40 Replies
shay zinger

hey u all!
i;m happy to c i have actually helped a few souls (:
i understand that my explanation was "a bit" confusing, i'll try to use all my skills and see if i can make it simpler.

here is the way to do it -
lets say you have a "root" project that leads to two other projects - "branch" project and "leaf" project.
your first step is to prepare and publish the two projects (branch and leaf)
now you head to your root project and you create two links (jump to url/file) and you point the hyperlink to these Addresses (simply write it manually in the address bar)
1. ״..\branch\story.html"
2. "..\leaf\story.html"
don't forget the the two dotes ".."
before the name of the folder!!

at this point there is no file over there and if you will try to test the address (through the trigger wizard option) or use preview it will not work!

now finish with your "root" project and publish it

last step - open the published project's folder (usually "storyline output - root")

in that folder you can find the file that is used to play the project (root)- story.html

you now need to copy the folders that contain the two published projects (branch and leaf) inside this folder. make sure that the folder containing the published project "branch" is named "branch" and that the one containing  "leaf" is called leaf.

now play the "root" project using the "story.html" file. if you did everything according to this "short" list it should b working ! 

so my solution was actually to cheat, i have created links to file that doesn't exist (at the time of the creation) and only later i copied the file (with the entire folder) to the place i have already pointed the link to.

if this explanation doesn't do the job i promise i'll make a video tutorial - let me know if it's necessary.
good luck :)  

keerti singh


I am able to run the project on my computer but as soon as I give to other
person to run the same file the path is not reachable.

Even I checked your demo given to me I was able to run it even though I was
not having the source file of your linked files...are there any settings
that I'm missing while publishing.

Please let me know asap.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Keerti, 

You'll need to publish all the source files and then upload them to a web server or LMS as the final destination. If you're trying to share the linked published files with another user from your local drive they'll likely run into browser and security restrictions with playing local Flash content. 

Joanne Chen

Hi Keerti,

How did you share your course to others? And can you printscreen your folder and I might be able to see if your files are complete? There are two screenshots I would like to check out:

  1. The screenshot of the folder which includes story.html file - where you click to open the course.
  2. The screenshot of folder WebObjects, which is in this route ..\story_content\WebObjects\ - I would like to see what's inside the folder.
Pierre Jouan
keerti singh


I am able to run the project on my computer but as soon as I give to other
person to run the same file the path is not reachable.

Even I checked your demo given to me I was able to run it even though I was
not having the source file of your linked files...are there any settings
that I'm missing while publishing.

Please let me know asap.


Hi Keerti,

Maybe you've used absolute paths between your files instead of relative (dotted) ones like suggested (..\branch\story.html)

Philippe JEANTY

Hi I am also looking for hyperlink help.

The first should be simple: I would like to link from "an origin slide" to a few slide in a different scene, but not show that whole scene (just lets say slide 4-8) and that at the end the presentation returns "spontaneously" to the "origin slide".  THe hyperlink is simple to create but i assume it will also require a general variable that says something like: set "coming from where" to "origin slide". But i am a little fuzzy on how to do that. Any explanation available ?

The second sounds more complicated and i have cowardly delayed working on this. My presentation is getting too big (over 600 MB and far from finished). This makes editing slow (4 cores 32 GB machine) and presenting very slow. What is the best way to break this in more manageable units and preserve menus and link (ouch ouch... no bad news please !). in my old program (Director) I had a presentation that linked to as many chapters as needed, and each chapter at completion would return to the main menu. THis is the kind of solution i was looking for in functionality


Philippe JEANTY

Hum i think the first question answer is probably to create a general variable ComingFromOriginSlide set to false

Then a hotspot with a first trigger that

Adjust Variable ComingFromOriginSlide > = Assignement > Value > true > when user clicks >GoingToDestinationSlide

and a second trigger that 

Jumps to DestinationSlide > when user clicks hotspot


And on the last slide of the side-trip to add to the "next" button

"Jump to slide > "origin slide" > when user clicks > next button > On condition ComingFromOriginSlide == Equal to True


But then how do i reset the 

GoingToDestinationSlide to false ? If i put in the last slide of the side trip before the "jump to slide" it will prevent the return as it will reset the value to false. If i put it after the "jump" it will not be effectuated. So it should be on the returning slide as

Adjust variable > ComingFromOriginSlide > = assignment > Value > false > TImeline Starts > Origin slide.

Does that make sense ?

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