links to websites opening 2 webpages?

May 20, 2014


Please see screen shots below. I have inserted hyperlinks to the resouces to link to webpages, but when I click on the link it opens 2 web pages. There is a trigger on the text box, which I did not manually attach.

Can you tell me what I need to do to have the link open the correct page?




3 Replies
Mike Taylor

Hi Jane! It looks like there may be a link on the text box itself in addition to the links associated with text inside the text box. This will open two websites: the one linked to the specific hyperlinked text and the other associated with the overall text box. 

Notice in your 1st screenshot that the 1st trigger associated with Text Box 1 says "...When the user clicks"?  That is the trigger attached to the text box.  And notice the others that end with "...When the user clicks the text "www...."  Those are the ones associated with specific bits of text within the text box. 

If you remove that first one associated to the entire text box that should fix this so that only one site opens when clicking one of those text links. 

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