LMS Tracking from Both Video Progress AND Quiz Results?

Mar 01, 2023

Hello everyone!  I was wondering if it was possible to create a results slide that would report back to the LMS on both the % of video completion (we are splicing up a video on to multiple slides) and we have some multiple choice questions that we are inserting into the course as well.  When it's published into the LMS, we want the reporting to show how far along in the video (# slides watched) they were and their percentage on the multiple choice questions.  Is this possible?  If so, how can I achieve it? 

Thank you! :) 

4 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hello Lyndsie, 

Thanks for reaching out! 

The percentage of video completion is not included in the data that gets sent to an LMS from Storyline 360

If you could design a way to send the percentage value of the video and store it in a variable, you can follow the steps in the article below to send this value to an LMS:

One way that I could think of is to update the value of a variable using elapsed time variables assuming that your video's timeline is in sync with the slide's timeline. Maybe some members of the community will have some suggestions that they'd be willing to share on how they were able to solve a similar situation!

Lauren Connelly

Hello Lyndsie!

Great question! If you decide to use the xAPI route, the statements will show in your LMS's xAPI Statement Viewer. If you decide not to use the xAPI route, the variable will appear as an interaction in the reporting section.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions!