Locking on previous

Apr 27, 2015

In this SL the learner has to go through each goal then comes back to the layer on slide 2.1.  However, if they push the previous button it locks on them.  What am I missing?

9 Replies
Kendra Barker

The user clicks on a goal in slide 2.1, it takes it to that goal.  For instance goal 1 (slide 2.3).  When they click next, they go back to slide 2.1 and goal 1 is now in the visited stated.  After all goals have been completed, the user sees the layer on slide 2.1.  After the layer, they go to slide 2.5.  However, if I'm on 2.5 and click the previous button I end up on the layer and it locks up.    Make sense?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kendra,

The default trigger associated with the previous button is to return the user to the last slide that they saw. Also, only a few of your Goals slides had a previous button enabled, so I'm not sure how you're navigating back and forth to see this. I turned on the previous button, and then visted all slides, saw the layer and then was able to navigate away from the layer using the base slide layer's next button trigger to go to slide 2.5 HIV Navigation Services. So again, everything is behaving as expected based on your description and those modifications I made to the set up. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kendra,

I'd be happy to help fix your file - but I'm not clear on what you'd like, as this one includes the previous button again, and without it I don't know how you'd like the users to navigate back to the menu slide? I tested this version again, and I believe what you're referring to in regards to the "slide locking up" is that the layer is set to show the next button based on the media element ending, so you'll want to set the slide layer's properties to "reset to initial state" so that the media will play again and the button's state can change. If you don't want the media to play again you'll need to adjust that trigger to change the state based on another element. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kendra,

This is based on your slide properties. Since you have it set to automatically decide, Storyline is determing where it should pick up or start again. You can read more about this here:


  • Resume saved state: Use this option if you want the slide to always remember its previous state. In other words, this option lets learners pick up where they left off when they leave the slide and come back to it later.
  • Reset to initial state: Use this option if you want the slide to always reset to its initial state when learners return to it. It'll restart from the beginning of its timeline, and interactive objects will return to their initial states.
  • Automatically decide: This is the default option. It means Storyline will decide whether to resume or reset the slide based on the objects it contains. Here's the logic: If the slide has only simple objects and/or audio but no interactivity, Storyline resets the slide to the beginning of its timeline. However, if the slide contains interactive elements, such as buttons or other objects that have a visited/selected state, Storyline resumes the slide where it left off previously. 


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