Loop Audio - Storyline

Jun 12, 2012

How do I loop one audio clip throughout an entire project (slide, scenes, etc) in Storyline?  I want the audio to loop through the entire presentation without pausing or restarting after a user clicks a button or moves to a new slide or scene. I just want the audio to continuously loop.

17 Replies
Travis Thompson

The option Omar provided is absolutely the way to go if you are trying to loop something on a single slide.  But if you are wanting to loop audio throughout the entire course (i.e., background music) like Oswaldo was originally asking about, then you'll need to edit the published output.  Pankaj brings up a relevant point, though - you'll have to make this script edit every time you publish or update, and manually reinsert the audio file in the published content folder.

Sablaya Mayo


I am developing a course for a client and she asks me to sound a LOOP throughout the course, except for the first slide and it is an intro and has its own sound and the last slide has its own sound ... now, the file. what he gave me is a 7-second mp3 and he wants the whole course to be repeated ... and that within the course there is a button to pause / play music since it is independent from the voice of a narrator that sounds on each slide.


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