Main Menu Glitch

Jun 10, 2015

This is my first time working with articulate and I created a menu featured bellow.

Main Menu

In the initial state/slide visit they fade in one at a time around the circle. However, once they change states to visited they no longer have any animation. It wouldn't be a big deal but because they unlock one at a time it looks unprofessional and choppy when the user is revisiting the menu after each section. I tried to show what happens bellow; 

I was hoping someone might have a suggestion about to fix or problem solve that issue. 

Thank you in advance! 


2 Replies Parish

That is a really great design.  I love the menu layout. 

I can think of some ways around your issue, but without seeing the actual file my first thought is to have the animation restart everytime they revisit the slide.  As they go to a module a variable is set, when they return the animation restarts and if the variable is true the circle then changes to a state of visited.

Personally though, I would probably only have this animation technique (the fading in of each circle) on the first visit to the menu.  Saves you some cumbersome design time and there are some learners that don't necessarily want to sit through the 3 seconds it takes to watch the animation on each visit to the menu.  Yes, that seems silly, but I've tested a few similar things here had those results shared back to me by the "testers".



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