Manage/Control Buzz In with Game Show?

Apr 26, 2015

I am creating a three-player game show. Currently, I have a HOME screen which displays the score of each player in an assigned text frame. As they correctly answer a verbal question, their respective score is updated. The player uses a USB buzzer to ring in and gain control of the board. The buzzers are programmed to use the 1,2 and 3 keys on the keyboard.

The HOME screen has three layers that display depending on who buzzes in first. If Player 1 rings in first, Layer 1 displays for that player. Layer 2 would display for Player 2 and the same for Player 3. What I would like to do is 'freeze' the 1,2 or 3 key(s) once that specific player buzzes in. Meaning, for example, Player 1 cannot ring in again during this round/question if they provide an incorrect response. Only Player 2 or Player 3 can buzz in for that question. It would vary on the order the players buzz in.

Two questions:

  1. How can I essentially 'lock' the players who buzz in after an unsuccessful attempt? I need to 'disable' keys 1,2 or 3 accordingly.
  2. I currently return the HOME screen to pose the next question and we start all again with the question and buzz in process. Can I 'reset' the state of the keys when we move to the next question? 

Appreciate any help or ideas that can be offered.

3 Replies
Jan Vilbrandt

Hi David,

Suggestion to your 1st question:

Don't think about "disableling" a key pressed event... Set a boolean variable to true, if someone hits the key 1, 2 or 3. Add a trigger condition for each layer which Shows the player-correspondig answer-layer: buzzkeypressed1=false, buzzkeypressed2=false or buzzkeypressed3=false (the answer layer is only shown, if the player has not hit his buzzer already). 

Set the corresponding key boolean variable to "true", when the player presses key 1, 2 or 3... 

The Initial value for this three boolean variables is "false".

To bring back all of the three players, set the boolan variables to false again when you go back to your home Screen (2nd question).  

After that you can start with your next question to the players.

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