Move quiz forward without having to answer question

Aug 07, 2013


I have built a quiz that is composed of both multiple choice and text entry responses. I have a trigger on both that moves the slide forward at the end of the timeline, and after they click submit. For multiple choice, they seem to work fine if I let the timeline run through without answer a question--it moves onto the next question and counts it as a zero. However, for the text entry questions I get a pop up if i let the timeline run through that says "you must complete". I want it to move forward, even if they do not complete the question. Is this possible?



4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Daniela,

I answered your other question over here about setting this up in Quizmaker. I just tested what you're describing in Storyline and my example ran through without me submitting any answers. You'll want to make sure your triggers are in the correct order - I've included my very basic sample version here. Let me know if you need anything else!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Daniela,

I answered your other question over here about setting this up in Quizmaker. I just tested what you're describing in Storyline and my example ran through without me submitting any answers. You'll want to make sure your triggers are in the correct order - I've included my very basic sample version here. 

Daniela Schiano di Cola

Hi Ashley,

Thanks for the example! for some reason, I can duplicate my slides on yours and have it work, but on my project I still get the message to complete the question before moving forward (which isn't possible when the timeline ends because I've set a layer to appear that prevents the user from answering the question). That layer as the triggers to move forward at the end of the timeline and submit the answer at the end of the timeline.

Could it be because I have multiple layer timelines?

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