MS SCCM 2012 Storyline 10.1 Deployment - (Silent install... MSI available?)

Dec 15, 2015


I work in a gov't organization which uses SCCM 2012 to deploy applications.

I am attempting to package Articulate Storyline 10.1.  (To get around the java problem with the older version).

I have tried the silent install procedure from within SCCM.   (Where you create response files for installation and uninstallation.  However I'm finding either the translation of the commands to SCCM spec or the process via SCCM just is not working.

Any recommendations?  Is there a MSI verson of the install?


Thank you,


4 Replies
Tony Heslignton

Thank you for the kind and quick replies!

Yes.  I have attempted with the silent install..... from within SCCM 2012r2.

SCCM is an enterprise deployment product.  (We have 2000+ computers at 60+ locations.  To cut to the chase.... Basically an sccm cache folder has a random dir created inside it the install files copied there and a batch file run on the users pc with the correct instruction...  Because of the random dir name we use a special code to reference it..... %~dp0.... So my install attempts look like this... 

(I can watch an install open... but there are zero results BTW.

START %~dp0storyline.exe -s -f1"%dp0setup.iss" sms

I will try the "Peter" solution.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Tony for checking into those other solutions, as at this point I'd have to defer to the community for additional assistance in regards to this set up as it's not something we can support. 

If you're able to determine a successful workaround, please feel free to share here as it may assist other users who come across this thread! 

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